AYLIVA - Butterflies songtext (lyrics)

AYLIVA [Elif Akar] Riäkelhusen, Deutschland

[AYLIVA - Butterflies songtext lyrics]

The way you look for her
Is breakin' my heart, yeah
Do you not remember the night
We spent in the dark?
We talked about depression and anxieties
Relationships in families
And now I just have to accept that
She is what is meant to be oh, mentally
I could never forget all the things
You said you want to be
I could never forget how
You treated my priorites
Yeah, I left everything for you
Forgot about myself whilе you
Was lovin' someone new shе's pretty
Yeah, I know, she's pretty
With all her flaws
Be with her, go be with her, I know

Yeah, you look happier
With somebody who's healthier
Inside her head butterflies
Inside my head you and I
Yeah, you look happier
With somebody who's healthier
Inside her head butterflies
Inside my head you and I, you and I

Wish I could have run to you
Wish this world wasn't so cruel
Told me not to fall for you
Didn't you fall for me too?
III can't hold back my tears hold back, ohh

Why you look happier
With somebody who's healthier?
Inside her head butterflies
Inside my head you and I
Yeah, you look happier
With somebody who's healthier
Inside her head butterflies
Inside my head you and I

You and I, you and I i, I, I

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