Eiffel - Death's Dance paroles de (lyrics)

[Eiffel - Death's Dance paroles de lyrics]

Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance

She's coming fast

Fondus dans l'ébène pour
D'étranges parades nuptiales
Cadavres exquis et ravers célèbrent
Le grand tout
Trémoussent leur cul dans l'infusoire
Des sociétés macabres
Foire aux vanités au chant du hibou
Salvation by hard beats
When they will take you by your cold hands
For the Death's dance

Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance

She's coming fast

Tes neuf vies se sont écoulées
Bébé ils approchent
Leurs tambours roulent la galoche
Des loteries infernales
Demi-dieux grotesques, joyeux et glaçants
Face aux psychés, crachent l'écume des lunes
Et des queues de comètes dans tes annales
Salvation by hard kicks
When they will take you by your jelly brains
For the Death's dance

Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance

And Maquabir exhorted:
"What we were, you are"
"What we are, you will be"

Passé le scalpel des jours
C'est un essaim de poignards-cristal
Qui bourdonne sous l'pick-up des Dj's en
Mains anonymes des ruches noires
Ça y est, la rumeur du vent efface ton monde
Tu es ce crâne au sourire sans fin
Oh infini éjaculatoire salvation
Beats your ears
When they will take you by your cold hands
For the Death's dance

Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance

She's coming fast

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #