Georg Kreisler - I Hate You songtext (lyrics)

[Georg Kreisler - I Hate You songtext lyrics]

Darling it's time to say good-bye to you
Although it breaks my heart
You're a swell girl and I like you
But the trouble with you is
That you're too smart
So I find your college education
A source of continual irritation

You said that I should learn from
You and and be resilient
But my dear, you're just too brilliant!

Why do you say "whom" when I say "who"?
You got no glamour what good's your grammar?
When I see a cute cartoon
You've always seen it
And when I say: "I'll bring you
Home!" you think I mean it
Sport's the same, you win every game!
When we play Rummy you're Gin before me
So what if you know history I
Still think that you're nuts
I'm tired of your intelligence
I hate your guts!

I hate you, I hate you
Oh how I hate your guts, guts, guts!
I hate you, I hate you
Oh how I hate your guts!

There are so few things you don't know
You're a public notary and you know poetry
Law, geography and physics are your forte
And all this intellect just
Heightens my inferiority!

Dizzy dame, go from whence you came
And please deliver me from relativity
I'm tired of all your theories
I'm tired of being bossed
I'm tired of your intelligence, go away
Get lost!

I hate you, I hate you
Why don't you just get lost, lost, lost?
Oh won't you, why don't you
Go far away and further still
Where I don't see you, never will
And quietly, ever so quietly drop dead!

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