Peter Maffay - If I Were the Sky songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - If I Were the Sky songtext lyrics]

When I wake up in the morning
There's something on my mind
And suddenly without warning
Somebody's standing behind

And it's you, babe and it's you, babe

If I were the sky i could look down onto you
That one day, if you join me
Every sky will be blue every day with you

You know I still think you own me
I dream every night that you do
So what is it that's making me lonely
I've known all along what it is

And it's you, babe and it's you, babe

If I were the sky i could look down onto you
That one day, if you join me
Every sky will be blue every day with you
If I were the sky i could look down onto you
That one day, if you join me
Every sky will be blue
Every day with you, with you with you

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