Peter Maffay - Peace Hymn songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - Peace Hymn songtext lyrics]

People, we seem to all
Have lost our direction
This world is full of too much hate
Turn the page now, the hour's late

Peace hymn oh, let the whole wide world
Sing this peace hymn peace hymn
It's all that's left to
Sing, please, join in, uh uh uh uh

Life is really much too short
Don't destroy it
Learn how to love and understand
Take your brothers all by the hand

Peace hymn oh, let the whole wide world
Sing this peace hymn peace hymn
It's all that's left to
Sing, please, join in, uh uh uh uh

(Why can't we learn from the past?)
It's not too late for learning
(People today race too fast)
Stop the wheel from turning
(Don't let the night stop you cold)
Let us stand united
(Turn to the truth, we should know) yes, mmm

Peace hymn oh, let the whole wide world
Sing this peace hymn peace hymn
It's all that's left to
Sing, please, join in, uh uh uh uh
Peace hymn oh, let the whole wide world
Sing this peace hymn peace hymn
It's all that's left to
Sing, please, join in, uh uh uh uh

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