Peter Maffay - There's a Star for Me and You songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - There's a Star for Me and You songtext lyrics]

There's a star for you and
Me in the skies above
And wherever it may be
It guides our way to love

There is a star for you and
Me bringing happiness or tears
And I know I want to stay by your side
Come what may, for as long as it will shine
I'll be yours, you'll be mine

There's a star for you and me
Don't ask it to explain
If this magic will remain or if
Joy will turn to pain

There is a star for you and
Me bringing happiness or tears
And I know I want to stay by your side
Come what may, for as long as it will shine
I'll be yours, you'll be mine

Baby, baby
We don't know where our gamе of love will go
But no matter how it's played, takе my hand
I'm not afraid

There's a star for you and
Me bringing happiness or tears
And I know I want to stay by your side
Come what may, for as long as it will shine
I'll be yours, you'll be mine

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