Peter Maffay - Too Many Stones songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - Too Many Stones songtext lyrics]

I've been wasting my time tryin' hard to find
The things that everybody told
They'd have to be on my mind
Now I'm finding myself after bein'
Lost on a shelf
And I see that I've been saved in time
A quarter to twelve

Now I'm strong in spite o'
The weakness I feel
I found my way to the things that are real
It doesn't mean I'll be resting my bones
I ain't free, there are too many stones

In a changing of scene, havin' bad dreams
I could not imagine goin' up
In this life's arena
Givin' it up means to throw expеrience away
Yet I'm old еnough to know
I only live for today

Now I'm strong in spite o'
The weakness I feel
I found my way to the things that are real
It doesn't mean I'll be resting my bones
I ain't free, there are too many stones

In the deep sea where I was born
Waitin' for the dawn
I've been hiding from the hard life
In this shelter of mine
Now I've learnt from the past and
I got to be fast
'Cause there's only a few chances
Maybe one of the last

While I'm strong in spite o'
The weakness I feel
I found my way to the things that are real
It doesn't mean I'll be resting my bones
I ain't free, there are too many stones
Yes, I'm strong in spite o'
The weakness I feel
I found my way to the things that are real
It doesn't mean I'll be resting my bones
I ain't free, there are too many stones

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