Peter Maffay - You Are My Kind Of Woman songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - You Are My Kind Of Woman songtext lyrics]

As the sun goes down i walk the evening town
So much time on my hands
I watch the girls go by
When I catch their eye
I say: Baby understand
You are my kind of woman alright
And I got nothing to do tonight
Hey, yeah, you know you look so fine
And if you got the time
Im gonna make you all mine
I don't need no beauty queen
No Baby, don't know super dream
Thats just not my style tonight
If she can spare a smile
And she can dance a while
Then today shes just right
You are my kind of woman alright
And I got nothing to do tonight
Hey, yeah, you look so fine
And if you got the time
Im gonna make you all mine
Now the nights begun, soon the day is done
But, you are by my side right here
As the band plays rockn roll
We dance it soul to soul
And I whisper: my love for you shines clear
You are my kind of woman alright
And I got nothing to do tonight
Hey, yeah, you look so fine
And if you got the time
Im gonna make you all mine

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