STARINTHESKY, ENDØFWØRLD - why u so mad? songtext (lyrics)

[STARINTHESKY, ENDØFWØRLD - why u so mad? songtext lyrics]

My way

Please don't let me capsize
And drift away to sea
The waves just seem so angry
Why are you angry with me
I'm doing best, I swear I try
Sweating through my sheets
Every fucking night why are you so angry?
Why do you hate me?

Don't go sitting by the river in a
Tent on the lakeside fire on the rocks
I remember all those great times
Now we don't talk, yeah it's been a minute
Don't go never told me how you felt
Never called mе on my cell
I think you were somеone else
You could never understand what
I sacrificed for us stuck in the moment
But I think this is a goodbye

Please don't let me capsize
And drift away to sea
The waves just seem so angry
Why are you angry with me
I'm doing best, I swear I try
Sweating through my sheets
Every fucking night why are you so angry?
Why do you hate me

Why you so mad? Why do you hate me?
You used to love my black Mercedes
You used to love to persuade
You use me, abused me, then you played me
I too can play these games
Wouldn't you really like to know their names
No, I'm sure you don't
A day in my shoes, I'm sure you'd choke
So you can say goodbye
I'm starting to feel so much better

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