Ufo361 - Dom P songtext (lyrics)

Ufo361 [Ufuk Bayraktar] Berlin, Germany

[Ufo361 - Dom P songtext lyrics]

Think about all the people that I put
On, that I got into this game
 that I showed how to do this
And think about what they're
Saying now that's not keeping it real​

Wenn ich piss', Dom P
Alle meine Bitches on fleek, ja
Als wär ich Pac "All Eyez On Me"
Wenn ich piss', Dom P
Alle meine Bitches on fleek, ja
Als wär ich Pac "All Eyez On Me"

Straight up, my closest friends did me
In my closest friends, my homies
People who I done took
Care of they whole family i done took care
Of everything for em, looked out for them
Put em in the game everything! Turned on me!
Fear is stronger than love
Remember that fear is
Stronger than love, all the love I gave
Didn't mean nothing when it came to fear
So it's all good, but I'm
A soldier, I always survive
I constantly come
Back ya know what I mean? Only
Thing that can kill me, is death​

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