Unheilig - The Bad And The Beautiful songtext (lyrics)

[Unheilig - The Bad And The Beautiful songtext lyrics]

Winter has come to seal my fate
Just a year ago I took that final step
Took a gun and cut my sweet young lover down
The newspaper said that the
Bad and the beautiful
Carry the burden of love

Now I simply refuse to cry
With a secret I'll take to my grave
For I have but an hour to go
Now the hangman approaches death row

Oh Billy love your child has grown
I only hope that he won't
Be his mother's son
With a vein of madness poisoning his soul
Regrets I have none but the
Bad and the beautiful
Carry the burden of love

Now I simply refuse to cry

Goodbye to the world I love
You have done me no good, you know
My lullaby is a bell that tolls
As the hangman approaches death row

Now I simply refuse to cry

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