100 gecs - ​mischief letra de (lyrics)

[100 gecs - ​mischief letra de lyrics]

Indiscernible lyrics

N now no now we back causing mischief
Hold it back, do you feel it?
See your face in the mirror
And your nails in the dresser
II II don't wanna read the letter
We don't have to talk, it's better
Sometimes I think you wanna kill me
Sometimes I don't know who I'm kidding

I had to get a rhythm real quick
I'm taking pills that shorten my dick
Th-th-th-th-th-they're in my hand and
In my tummy we're smoking estradiol gummies
My ears are dripping blood onto the carpet
Open up the window, someone farted
Everybody's looking at me funny
Oh shit, I triеd to smoke my money
I'm pinching crumbs out of my pocket
I'm smoking weed that smells like dog shit
My phone is sitting on the table
Thank God, I thought I fucking lost it
III just bought an ounce for the weekend
Feels like I'm always fucking crying
I guess the devil's in the details
I guess it's all about the timing

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