Ab-Soul, Pat Brown - #LTM lyrics

Ab-Soul [Herbert Anthony Stevens IV] Los Angeles, California, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Ab-Soul, Pat Brown - #LTM lyrics]
And left with something new
See through your head you haunt my dreams
Nothing to do but believe just believe
And please don't confuse me with dot
I'm different long Term Mentality
Still remember them cheap wood benches
How could I ever forget, I never could get
How niggas couldn't get up and
Get all they could get
Man I done seen a thing or two of
Things that he or she will do
To fit in with each other
Nitpicking at each other
Killing each other, bringing each other down
Crustations in a bucket
Fuck it, roll your windows
Down in your bucket, play this loud
Soul brother number fucking two
My time on these 1's and 2's
I'm on this track like running shoes
I dedicate this one to Cletus
Anderson for working harder
Than the average man
Or bend over backwards for his family
Doing whatever is you ask for him
Shit, I know he fucking tired
He should be somewhere retired still trying
Bills still due and between me and you
Until we get a mill, life smells like mildew
Long term (This is long term) long term
(I hope you studied
Cause I'm thinking long term)
Long term (I came, I saw, and conquered)
Mentality, mentality, long term
(And it's an honor) long term
(To share this with you, wait no longer)
Long term (Mother fucker this is long term)
Mentality, mentality, long term
This situation is to relay how
To make other people's lives uh (better)
Better because of running into what
You have to say (Exactly)
Of them finding your words
And they need to know this
I've been doing this since
Freestyle track that's probably like
What? 2002-3? Know what I'm saying?
And I kept at it, I kept at it from there
(And you're only) 24
I just turned 24, I just
Turned 24 it's crazy, know what I'm saying?
So I dropped the - you know
Long term came out i dropped that finally
Then I came back with the long term
2 shit they was like "oh!"
That's kinda cool
That's kinda cool right there
Then dot dropped the OD
Kendrick dropped the OD that shit was like
(It went over everyone's head)
Everyone's head
(But they were still able to connect with it)
Exactly (But it was like you hadn't heard this in a minute)
It was like a rejuvenation (Exactly, exactly)
Almost like, saved hip-hop
And without preaching
None of y'all are trying to preach like
You're the new cats but it's
Just - you're not -
You didn't ever look at it like it
Was dead but you're bringing it Back
You're bringing it back to life (Real shit)
Then Q dropped the Setback shit
And that shit was like
You know what I'm saying? You
Know - you already know groovin'
So Top - Top talk to me like you know
You gotta go ahead and try sell something
I'm thinking to myself it's a little too
Early for me to try and sell
I'm still fresh but he said you need
To go and try it out everybody else selling
I gotta do long term something nigga
I don't care what it is
But that's your brain
Long term is your brain
I didn't want to do long term
3 yet until I'm rich
That's what long term 3 is about, being rich
So - I'm like you know (Damn, okay)
So this is kinda, you know
Just kinda like a - I wanted it to serve
As like a summation of what
Long term is about what it really meant
Know what I'm saying (You a cool cat)
I mean fuck I'm on tour now dog
I'm in Minneapolis, dog (People know you)
You know what I'm talking 'bout?
I'm in Minneapolis bruh
Cold as fuck people know who I am over
Here bruh
I'm on tour with murderers right now
Paid dudes too
Like what the fuck is going on?
(That's long term) you are the paid dude
He just said it by putting you on it (Soul)
People talk about a soul
To me what we call soul -
The highest expression of ourselves
Is pure love i don't care who you are
What your background is what you've Done
I don't care if you're Henry
Kissinger or George Bush
Or David Rockefeller or the Queen of
England or any of these
Guys that have been manipulating the
World and still are
At that level of yourself, you're pure love
Everyone is but you can become
Disconnected from that level
And manifest in that disconnection
Anything but pure love
But that's what we all are, all of us