AB Syndrom, Novaa - Round songtext (lyrics)

[AB Syndrom, Novaa - Round songtext lyrics]

We're going 'round and around, yeah
It's going 'round and around, yeah
We're going down, going down, yeah
We're going down, going down, yeah, yeah
It's going 'round and around, yeah

Ich geh' 24 7 und ich verdoppele es
Ich hab' bis siebenundzwanzig und
Ich verdoppele es du weißt nicht
Wie es hier in dieser Bubble ist
It's going 'round and a
Du weißt nicht, wie es ist
Wenn man in diesem Shuttle sitzt
Du weißt nichts von meinem Husseln, nichts
Davon, dass sie auf dеr
Bone nachts aufbau'n, yeah
We'rе going down, going down, yeah

You catch your breath, I'm drownin' in
We're going down, going down, yeah
All of the things you'd never a drink
We're going down, going down, yeah
I want to dive, you want to swim
We're going down, going down, yeah
We're going 'round, we're going 'round
It's going 'round and around, yeah

Du nimmst dein'n Drink und ich ertrinke drin
Du singst Melodien und ich versinke drin
Triggert bei mir irgendeinen Sinn
It's going 'round and a
Was hab' ich von allem
Wenn ich vor allem alleine bin?
Was hast du von mir
Wenn ich im Kopf nicht bei uns beiden bin?
Triggert bei mir irgendeinen Sinn
We're going down, going down, yeah

You catch your breath, I'm drownin' in
We're going down, going down, yeah
All of the things you'd never a drink
We're going down, going down, yeah
I want to dive, you want to swim
We're going down, going down, yeah
We're going 'round, we're going 'round
It's going 'round and around, yeah

You told me what I want from you
Like a way we're tryin' too
Pull me down and flush your back of it
It's going 'round and a
Words are fallin' down like rain
The sea wants an overview again
I am , you are tired, tell me why, yeah
You catch your breath, I'm drownin' in
We're going down, going down, yeah
All of the things you'd never a drink
We're going down, going down, yeah
I want to dive, you want to swim
We're going down, going down, yeah
We're going 'round, we're going 'round
It's going 'round and around, yeah

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