Ace Hood - Black (Skit) lyrics

[Ace Hood - Black Skit lyrics]

The Cleveland police department is now
Responding to a wrongful
Death lawsuit by blaming a
12-year-old boy for his
Own death tamir Rice was
Playing with a pellet
Gun you may remember this back in November

Ordered around 9 o'clock last night there
Was a traffic stop on Larpenteur
Avenue in Falcon Heights that's where
An officer opened fire on
Philando Castile as he sat in the
Passenger seat of a car
Driven by his girlfriend with a
Child in the back

New tonight a deadly shooting
In Sanford police
Have the gun, they've got the shooter
But they have not arrested him and as

Fox 35's Steve Landry tells us
The dead man's grieving family wants
To know why not

There is growing outrage tonight after an
Unarmed African American teenager was shot
And killed by police of the
St louis suburb of Ferguson
Missouri but there are conflicting reports
About what led up to the shooting aBC's John
Yang has the details

How did a minor traffic
Violation end with death
In a Texas jail cell?
Tonight fresh controversy
As newly released dash cam
Footage shows intense interaction
Between Sandra Bland and a police officer

Good evening a deadly struggle
Between police in Louisiana
And the man they were trying to
Arrest captured on video and
Shared around the world today is provoking
Questions and outrage happening now
Breaking news violent protest and bloody
Street battles are breaking
Out in Baltimore after the
Funeral for Freddie
Gray rioters pelting police with rocks
And smashing a squad
Car at least 7 police officers are now down
They're wounded

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