Alexander Marcus - Nessaja songtext (lyrics)

[Alexander Marcus - Nessaja songtext lyrics]

Always lived my life alone
Been searching for the place called home
I know that I've been cold as ice
Ignored the dreams, too many lies
Somewhere deep inside
Somewhere deep inside me
I found the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late

3 AM! The painted cow!
Hiaaaaa! You ain't stoppin' us now!
Wonderful human beings
Yeah! I am the Junglist souldier
Come On! The rocket launcher stops ya
It's not a bird, it's not a plane
It must be Dave who's on the train
Wanna wanna get'cha, gonna gonna get'cha
Tell them that I told ya yEAH!

Always lived my life alone
Been searching for the place called home
I know that I've been cold as ice
Ignored the dreams, too many lies
Somewhere deep inside
Somewhere deep inside me
I found the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late

Allright are you ready? It's not a game
I chant so much, I turn you insane
Wanna wanna get'cha, gonna gonna get'cha
Messing up the area yEAH!

Come On! I am the freshman
Messing up the jam! Turning up the stereo
Join the caravan
Skippy, the rain won't come!

Somewhere deep inside
Somewhere deep inside me
I found the child I used to be
And I know that it's not too late
Never too late

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