Amatory - Ответ знает... текст песни

[Amatory - Ответ знает... текст песни]

We are destroyers
And if indeed progresses is won by destruction
That progress may be fall us we hate that the consequence
It is not a world of sweetness and light
It is a world of light and dark
It is a world of opposing polarities and opposing tendency

Look too deeply and you will find things you should not to know
Creation is enanemantly part of a essentially destructive act
Every creative act has to destroy
Of course it has to destroy
You can only bring about the doom through the death of what
We are destroyers
This society of essentially servile mechanically living people
Who's lives are empty pointless sense of distraction and darkness
A side of the brief world to often overlooked
Well, the prime impulse itself is the impulse to destruction

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