Anime Allstars, Bro’Sis - Shin Chan-Thema songtext (lyrics)

[Anime Allstars, Bro’Sis - Shin Chan-Thema songtext lyrics]

Say hey hey - Shin Chan
Lookin' for trouble, he's your man
Say hey hey - Shin Chan
He's breakin' the rules the best he can
A little bit of rude a little bit of crude
He's the kid with an attitude - Shin Chan

Baby baby what, baby what

He starts the parents crazy
The teachers press their heads
Homework is just a dirty word
Rather stay in home and bed
He's mama's little angel
Just ask her (just ask her)
He's a walking talking
Blueprint for disaster
(blueprint for disastеr)

Hey, yeah

Say hey hеy - Shin Chan
Lookin' for trouble he's your man
Say hey hey - Shin Chan
He's breakin' the rules as best he can
A little bit of rude a little bit of crude
He's the kid with an attitude - Shin Chan!

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