Annett Louisan - Words songtext (lyrics)

[Annett Louisan - Words songtext lyrics]

Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see
I love you words don't come easy
Words don't come easy to me
This is the only way for me to say
I love you words don't come easy

Well, I'm just a music man
Melodies are so far my best friend
But my words are coming out wrong and I
I reveal my heart to you and
Hope that you believe it's true 'cause

Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way for me to say
I love you words don't come easy

This is just a simple song
That I've made for you on my own
Therе's no hidden meaning, you know when I
Whеn I say I love you honey
Please believe I really do 'cause

Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see
I love you words don't come easy
(Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy)

It is not easy words don't come easy

Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see
I love you words don't come easy
Don't come easy to me this is the only way
For me to say i love you
Words don't come easy words don't come easy
Ah, ah

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