Anya Marina - Rich Vos Brithday Song (”Funny Ways”) letra de (lyrics)

[Anya Marina - Rich Vos Brithday Song ”Funny Ways” letra de lyrics]

Rich Vos today's the day not just Tuesday
Hip hip hooray rich Vos
Here's the thing
I think you're great at almost everything

And every time we think about your funny ways
It's like a Saturday, it's like a big parade
And every time we think about your funny ways
It's like a holiday, a smile on Rayna's face

Is it true what Bonnie said
That you guys have had sex in
Every club in the US
If thats true you better change the name
Cause it's obvious your wife loves you
And every time we think about your funny ways
It's like a Saturday, it's like a big parade
Yeah every-bodies got a little thing for you
Can't speak for everyone
At least i know i do

So happy happy birthday on this day on earth
The day the world got just a little luckier
Cause of you

Rich Vos today's the day not just Tuesday
Hip hip hooray rich Vos
Happy birthday Rich
(i'd force you to hug me today
Cause i know you hate hugs)

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