Arno - Funky You're Not paroles de (lyrics)

[Arno - Funky You're Not paroles de lyrics]

Nicotine yellow eyes he was a friend of mine
The king of the animals a friend of nobody's
On his arm was a black tattoo
Saying "Marie, I love you"

He walked the rock'n'roll dream

Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not

He was a bit like you and me

Just seeing what he wants to see
As blind as he could be
As blind as he could be and I and I
I couldn't do anything and I and I
I couldn't do anything i was watching him

Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not

Reality was not a place to be
He couldn't fight him out of this
He couldn't speak him out of this
And I and I i couldn't do anything
And I and I i couldn't do anything
I was watching him

Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not

Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not
Oh God oh God funky you're not

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