Artas - A Martyr's Dawn songtext (lyrics)

[Artas - A Martyr's Dawn songtext lyrics]

I'm lying in the snow cold but not dead
The last sunbeams of the day
Are touching my face the dawn has begun
The night comes for me
With her silent safe wings

There's a pain not anymore for me
No barriers holding me down
I was born to fall for
The greater good of man
Born with inner peace no more of this!
Dangerous thoughts!
We the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame
We the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame

He lies in the snow, cold and dead
We knew him, fought him but could not learn
Now we will take his legacy away
Rewriting and praying it no more of this!
Dangerous thoughts!

We the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame
We the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame

I found peace here right now in the flames
With my legacy written my quest fulfilled
I ride to the dawn of time!

We're the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame
We're the pack, mankind our name
We are the devil and you take the blame

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