Avatar - Valley of Disease songtext (lyrics)

[Avatar - Valley of Disease songtext lyrics]

I am projectile vomit you're the recipient
Would you like, would you like
Tell me would you like a second?
Everybody knows you're out of time

I am the problem i warned you, didn't I?
You are in danger run away from me

I am teeth dissipating
I am your cause of death
Spit me out, spit me out
I'm your dirty little secret
Everybody knows your history

I am the problem i warned you, didn't I?
You are in danger run away from me

It's true, you saw with your own two eyes
A shadowed land beneath the streets
Upon a viper's back, a stranger rides
Down in the valley of disease

I am the burning temple
A throne of tooth and nail
Come and taste, come and taste
I am waiting in the alley
I will grant you every wish and fear

I am the problem i warned you, didn't I?
You are in danger run away from me

It's true, you saw with your own two eyes
A shadowed land beneath the streets
Upon a viper's back, a stranger rides
Down in the valley of disease

It's true, you saw with your own two eyes
A shadowed land beneath the streets
Upon a viper's back, a stranger rides
Down in the valley of disease

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