Avatar, Lzzy Hale - Violence No Matter What songtext (lyrics)

[Avatar, Lzzy Hale - Violence No Matter What songtext lyrics]

How hard can it be (How hard can it be)
After almost a century
(It's almost a century)
For you bastards to agree
(You bastards to agree)
That no one gets to be a fucking fascist?
Run from the pain, make your escape
Over mountains of bodies towering madness
The hammer commands us to strike

Strike (Strike, strike, strike)
Strike (Strike, strike, strike)
Yet another firm believer in that victory is
Obtained by whoever inflicts the most harm

Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what

Fight 'til the end, praising the name
Of the master deceiver
The nation can cure her
The hammer commands us to strike


Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what, no matter what

Strike (Strike, strike, strike)
Strike (Strike, strike, strike)
Yet another strong proponent of
An ideology dependent
On a promised return to former glory

Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what (yeah)
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what (No matter what)
Violence no matter what (No matter what)
Violence no matter what (No matter what)
Violence no matter what

Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what
Violence no matter what

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