Avatar - War Song songtext (lyrics)

[Avatar - War Song songtext lyrics]

The horn call and we fall
Into a hell hand made for us
Bloodletting, forgetting
Your heart in a killing with no cause
Don't think, obey!
Leave your body, mind's astray

Bombs falling bullets flying
Ignore the wounded's crying
Just kill! No innocence
Forget your dreams of justice
Holy and brave!
Lost heroes of long lost fame unholy flood
Smile through the storm of blood

Collective disorder, far by madness' border
Chaos of human hatred
Kneel for the open gate
Your brothers have become your enemy
Charging the system's massive battery


I'm ordered to the first line
I'll die now, good bye now
They'll say I'm lost in action
I'm gone now, farewell now

Collective disorder, far by madness' border
Chaos of human hatred
Kneel for the open gate

Die in a war of empty lies
By the hands of your reflection
Lost your mind in hellish cries
Shot but killed from suffocation
Your bunker is your grave
You were gone before it ended
The price to be the brave
Turned into war's descendant

The horn call and we fall
Into a hell hand made for us
Bloodletting, forgetting
Your heart in a killing with no cause

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