Avatar - You'll Continue to Suffer - In His Own Words songtext (lyrics)

[Avatar - You'll Continue to Suffer - In His Own Words songtext lyrics]

Their tales will grow old
But heroes stay young
The war is remembered but sadness unsung
Learn what is tragic and laugh at the joke
Reminiscing the tale told with a howl
Tweet and croak

Take farewell to the Owl
How she twisted and turned
How late was the hour
When she finally learned
And farewell furious Eagle as you
Died for your birthright
Enjoy it while it lasts for
Soon comes the night

How can you creatures not
See what's been shown?
Why do you insist on a path of your own
When it leads up the same hill
That we've all climbed before?
We rediscover old darkness forevermore

This is the end it has little to offer
As tomorrow again, you'll continue to suffer
And then you will come here
To my house of regrets
We'll tell you more stories, me and my pets

Tears water flowers grown out of pain
They could have been dragons but
All dragons are slain
You look for both meaning
And unfiltered truth
But to think you get both is
A lie of your youth

So sleep in your chamber, gasping for air!
This life is your sentence by judges unfair
No matter the prison, all will be well
There's always a jester with stories to tell

Good night

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