BAP, Julian Dawson - Luckiest Man in the Western World songtext (lyrics)

[BAP, Julian Dawson - Luckiest Man in the Western World songtext lyrics]

Brain like a butterfly, heart like a wheel
The ground's so froze, my feet can't feel
Heads in the clouds and soul's in the ground
From walking the streets of this weary town
Oh oh

Stretched as taut, as an amphetamine bash
You've run out of credit, run out of cash
If you make any money, the taxmen take it
Might be better, if you never even make it
Oh oh
And you wonder, how you landed in this mess
Where's the nanny's hand
Where's the stewardess
To wipe up the tears and the milk you spilt
And put back every brick you built? Oh oh

You're damned if you dance and
Damned if you don't
A fool if you will and alone if you won't
You've got no drugs and you've got no girl
You're the luckiest man in the western world
Oh oh

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