Bibi Bourelly, Maureen Boyer, SamTRax - OPPORTUNITIES. songtext (lyrics)

[Bibi Bourelly, Maureen Boyer, SamTRax - OPPORTUNITIES. songtext lyrics]

We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the rain
We ridin' out in the dark
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the rain
We ridin' out in the dark

And I'm never gonna stop 'cause, bitch
I go so hard one day I'm finna go far
I'm that shining star from the east coast
I'm never gonna stop 'cause, bitch
I go so hard one day I'm finna go far
I'm that shining star from the east

Ooh-ee, opportunities coming to me
Opportunities out the blue sky
Out the blue oh, they're pouring
On me and you

We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the rain
We ridin' out in the dark
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the park
We ridin' 'round in the rain
We ridin' out in the dark

And I'm never gonna stop 'cause, bitch
I go so hard one day I'm finna go far
I'm that shining star from the east coast
I'm never gonna stop 'cause, bitch
I go so hard one day I'm finna go far
I'm that shining star from the east

Opportunities opportunities
Solèy, Solèy, Solèy, bitch

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