Brainstorm - Gala Komma текст песни

[Brainstorm - Gala Komma текст песни]

He-hee, me-ee
He-hee, me-ee

Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage
Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage

And when the stars are out
To say good-bye
To the cure of day and passed kiss
To new born night
When light meets darkness
Souls are chosen their ways
All the Universe and people are blessed
By sun grease

Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage

Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage

Yee-ee-ee maa
O mee aa

And when the stars are out
To say good-bye
To the cure of day and passed kiss
To new born night
When light meets darkness
Souls are chosen their ways
All the Universe and people are blessed
By sun grease

Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage
Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage

Gala Komma, see soma tee
Kobos pond see polo to mirage
Polo to mirage to mirage

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