Budah - Doomsday letra (lyrics)

[Budah - Doomsday letra lyrics]

So man had to bring out the doom in me
So I'ma ask who asked who it be
Spitting ill shit since elementary
Watson, casting spells like I'm Emma
Back in that mad villain era
I be terraforming with the must 
Biting the dust see me rising it's a must
In love with this shit, ain't lust
Not a saiyan but these lines are deadly
Lay you down gently boy we ain't friendly
With Wesley hit you with that snipe
Yeah my blade be ready
Yeah my blade stay ripe
Other rappers begging for their life
But, I only sacrifice the OGs
While white girls bump the Plain White T's
Raising the capital like I'm steez
Forty seventeen and act like OGs
Oh my god, oh jeez

I'm the key to the lock
Your careers almost done
Better watch the clock
I ain't done rhyming, I won't ever stop
Till I hit the top with my peeps
Won't happen cause I'm a hip
Hop geek geeked out, better watch my mouth
Replay this shit
Till you shout "I'ma be a great"
No doubt, hold it down
Like this something Outkast
With three stacks and smooth flow
That'll make you relax abusing these tracks
But, you take a nap sleeping on me no cap
I ain't gonna brag about a strap
But i'll brag about the way I rap
While I wrap these fakes up
And your b bumping my shit in the club
Hit me up to rhyme then your favorite drug
I'll turn all of you into a
Bear skin rug antagonize you
As I see your ugly mug
I'll leave all of you stunned
Like the world when X was gunned down
Now all these kids are losing their crowns

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