Calexico - Crooked Road And The Briar letra de (lyrics)

[Calexico - Crooked Road And The Briar letra de lyrics]

Down the crooked road a ways
A child's shadow hiding in the briar
Tending to a twisted heart that's bent and broken
Wounded and abandoned left amongst the rotted root to rot

Moon, crimson moon
Rose marie's walking down the crooked road a ways
All aglow, her fair white skin
Portrait of beauty, angel to many
Hears the hush crying from the briar
Reaches in her hand to see what's the matter
And is dragged through the darkness
Beneath the lonely cypress
The town's beloved daughter
Carried to her death in the turbid waters
And set afloat downstream

Whole town erupts, bursts into flame
Parties go a-searching down the crooked road a ways
Find old rufus there drunk and asleep
Fishing by the water must have killed our beloved daughter
Can't hold back these waves of anger
Tie a rope around his neck
See if he still hollers
Another innocent soul hangs over the briar

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