Calexico - Ghostwriter letra de (lyrics)

[Calexico - Ghostwriter letra de lyrics]

Dying of thirst
Could i still be alive or worse
Where was i last
Parked on the street when a shadow was cast
Taking me out, when a struggle ensued
What was that hole in my shirt
And the blood that spilled to the floor
Like a dead man's

The focus is blurred
And the voice off camera is heard
And the lighting's to blame
Tell the assistant director the same
Pulling away to a final dissolve
Soundtrack provides a lush bed of strings
Before the screen fades to black
And the credits rise above
Like the soul of a dead man
Wandering on
Like a dead man
Wandering on

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Si sabe de qué está cantando el artista, sabe Leer "entre líneas" y conoce la historia de la canción, puede agregar una interpretación del texto. Después de que nuestros editores lo revisen, lo agregaremos como una interpretación oficial.

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