Calexico - Nature's Domain letra de (lyrics)

[Calexico - Nature's Domain letra de lyrics]

Wondering what I've been holding on to
That's been causing the ice to give way
Winter's disguise rendered me blind
I can't tell my dreams from the day
The wolf on the lawn is
Pointing to follow this way

Was it just in my head
All those words that were said
So cold, somehow relieving
One foot off the ground, the deer in the dawn
Has vanished, just like the trail

Staring up into the darkness
Confusing the snowfall for stars
Alone, with no prayers or reason
Accepting the fact that this will all pass

And cruel to the bone, nobody's at home
Out here in nature's domain

Was it all for naught
All the lessons we taught?
So callous and bent on deceiving
The owl in the barn, spinning your yarn
While the dream is slipping away

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