Calexico - Seasonal Shift letra de (lyrics)

[Calexico - Seasonal Shift letra de lyrics]

Well, it's funny this season
There's a reason I got no money
It's been disastrous
But somehow we'll get through

Oh, the holidays, they're complex
And we know just where we'll find ourselves
Sleeping on the floor at half past two

Yeah, you're putting together the string of lights in the living room
Oh, the Christmas tree's nearly caught on fire
But, we'll be alright
Who knows where we'll come down from
This glaze for the holidays
And everything will be fine

Little toys for those girls and boys
Don't forget them
Oh, Mom and Dad, now with gin and tonic in hand, are more relaxed
It's always the same with the
Holiday highs and lows
Come sit by the fire with me I
Wanna share some of this glow

Bring your friends over they can stand in
The corner and hold their breath
Join in the family's dysfunctionality
Shining at its best

Let me know if I can lend you a hand
Digging you out of the snow
We can waltz around the kitchen
To ease this seasonal shift
All I want for the holidays is
To be by your side
It's been a heavy year darlin'
It'll all be over soon, yeah

There it goes around the bend
The year that would never end
Gonna wave, bye bye

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