Calexico, Iron, Wine - The Bitter Suite (Pájaro / Evil Eye / Tennessee Train) letra de (lyrics)

[Calexico, Iron, Wine - The Bitter Suite Pájaro / Evil Eye / Tennessee Train letra de lyrics]

Hay sueños lo suficientemente salvajes
Para pasar el tiempo
Ese pájaro muerto quiere alas
Pero no lo recuerda
Pero no lo recuerda
No lo recuerda
No lo recuerda

My first mom laughed like she never had
She dug a heel deep into the mountainside
You know Grace, who gave me back a gold ring
She always knew what was hers
And what was mine
I was only stumbling through her garden gate

Trains leave Tennessee
Moaning as they roll away

My last dad was clean as he could ever be
Leaning through a window
Rubbing at his evil eye
Last I heard, he saw it all for what it was
There are dreams wild enough to pass the time
Then again
There's all we could trade
For a hiding place

Trains leave Tennessee
Moaning as they roll away

This dead bird wants the
Wings he can't recall
A weak preacher standing with a song to sing
Who knows grace staring at a kitchen fire
That's the way I told her
I would her anything
Anything wasn't enough to make her stay

Trains leave Tennessee
Moaning as they roll away

Roll away
Roll away

(Life is bittersweet)

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