CKK - Azrael songtext (lyrics)

[CKK - Azrael songtext lyrics]

Dark Angels in my city, where Im at
You don't love me
You just left me and thats that
Felt so hot when I met you in the club
You don't talk
You don't tell me where to start
Dark Angels in my city, where Im at
You don't love me
You just left me and thats that
Felt so hot when I met you in the club
You don't talk
You don't tell me where to start

Seh mein Schicksal in 'nem double Cup
Traum oder Real ich fühle mich wieder wach
Bist wieder alone und guck wie jeder lacht
Neue demons sterben mit mir jede Nacht, ja
Und das jede Nacht, ja
Und das jede Nacht, ja
Kann nicht mehr bin verlor'n
Ist die Hölle das Tor bin schon lange dort
Sag mir, wie lange bin ich denn schon fort
How am I supposed to be
Then myself let me be just free
Shining in the darkest sea

Dark Angels in my city, where Im at
You don't love me
You just left me and thats that
Felt so hot when I met you in the club
You don't talk
You don't tell me where to start
Dark Angels in my city, where Im at
You don't love me
You just left me and thats that
Felt so hot when I met you in the club
You don't talk
You don't tell me where to start

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