Cliff Richard - Run to the Door songtext (lyrics)

[Cliff Richard - Run to the Door songtext lyrics]

Every time a bell rings
Every time a bird sings i run to the door
Every time the wind blows
Even though my heart knows i run to the door

Everyday is lonely and your memories only
Make me want you more when somebody goes by
Acting like a fool i run to the door

When I see the Sun rise
Every time my heart cries i run to the door
Early in the twilight even at the midnight
I run to the door

Everyday is lonely and your memories only
Make me want you morе when somebody goes by
Acting likе a fool i run to the door
(Memories that never die
All alone I sit and cry)

When I hear my heart call
When I hear a foot fall
I run to the door (run to the door)
Wishing I could see you
Wishing it could be you
There at the door (run to the door)

Though you didn’t want me
Memories will haunt me as I walk the floor
When somebody goes by acting like a fool
I run to the door

Every time a bell rings
Every time a bird sings
I run to the door (run to the door)
Every time the wind blows
Even though my heart knows
I run to the door (run to the door)

Everyday is lonely and your memories only
Make me want you more when somebody goes by
Acting like a fool i run to the door
Every time a bell rings
Every time a bird sings
I run to the door (run to the door)
Every time the wind blows
Even though my heart knows
I run to the door (run to the door)

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