Cliff Richard - Saviour's Day songtext (lyrics)

[Cliff Richard - Saviour's Day songtext lyrics]

Now we have been through the harvest
Winter has truly begun
Now we have walked in the chill of the night
We are waiting for, waiting for
For the Saviour's Day

Many have come from the valleys
Many have come from the hills
Many have started their journey home
To be with someone, with someone
On the Saviour's Day

Open your eyes on Saviour's Day
Don't look back or turn away
Life can be yours if you'll only stay
He is calling you, calling you
On the Saviour's Day

Joining the old and the young ones
Joining the black and the white
Meeting the need of the hungry is He
Will we ever remember Him
On the Saviour's Day

Open your eyes on Saviour's Day
Don't look back or turn away
Life can be yours if you'll only stay
He is calling you, calling you
On the Saviour's Day
Here's to the God of the present
Here's to the God of the past
Here's to the hope in the future He brings
We will sing to Him, sing to Him

Open your eyes on Saviour's Day
Don't look back or turn away
Life can be yours if you'll only stay
He is calling you, calling you

On the Saviour's Day on the Saviour's Day
On the Saviour's Day he is calling you

On the Saviour's Day on the Saviour's Day
On the Saviour's Day on the Saviour's Day
Raise up your glasses and drink to the king
On the Saviour's Day

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