Cliff Richard - Say You Don't Mind songtext (lyrics)

[Cliff Richard - Say You Don't Mind songtext lyrics]

I feel I'm taking up all of your time
And I still can't work it out
Whether or not you mind
Say you still need my love
And I will be strong
Just say that you're OK and I'll carry on
Ooh, say you don't mind

Well I need to show my love
Of that I am sure
Just let me feel you close
Closer than before
I'm feeling better now, now that you're near
Just let me say the things
The things you want to hear
Hmm, say you don't mind

'Cos I'm waking up - been shaken up
And I'm thrilled that I know you
I need to love - can't give enough
And all because you do everything right to me
Can't you see say you don't mind

Well I need to show my love
Of that I am sure
Just let me feel you close
Closer than before
'Cause I'm feeling better now
Now that you're near
Just let me say the things
The things you want to hear
Oh, just say you don't mind
Say you don't mind
Tell me how long must I wait to hear you say
I need to love - can't give enough
And it's all because you do
Everything right to me can't you see
Say you don't mind

'Cause I feel I'm taking up all of your time
And I still can't work it out
Whether or not you mind
Say you still need my love
And I will be strong
Just say that you're OK and I'll carry on
I'll carry on if you say you don't mind
Say you don't mind say you don't mind
Say, say you don't mind
Say it, say it, say you don't mind

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