Connie Francis - Fallin' songtext (lyrics)

[Connie Francis - Fallin' songtext lyrics]

I got the feelin' I'm a-fallin'
Like a star up in the blue
Like I was fallin' off Niagara
In a paddle boat canoe
I got the feelin' I'm a-fallin'
And it's all because of you
Like I was walkin' on a tight rope
Swingin' in the breeze
And though I tried to keep my balance
Well, I just weakened in the knees
I got the feelin' I'm a-fallin'
Lover, help me please
Like a leaf falls from a branch
Like a rock slide avalanche
Like the rain on a stormy day
I never thought I'd fall this way
I thought that love could never touch me
Yeah I was mountain high
And then my ivory tower toddled
And I tumbled from the sky
I got the feelin' I'm a-fallin'
Lover, you're the reason why
Like the light when he met his pole
Like the walls of Jericho
Like Delilah's home in town
When Samson tore it down
I thought that love could never touch me
Yeah I was mountain high
But then my ivory tower toddled
And I tumbled from the sky
I got the feelin' I'm a-fallin'
And you're the reason why
Ooh, you're the reason why
Yeah, you're the reason why
Mmm baby, you're the reason whyConnie Francis

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