Дима Билан - Music Is In My Soul текст песни

[Дима Билан - Music Is In My Soul текст песни]

Yes, I choose no way they say that they do
Yes, I’ll do it myself you won’t move me off
Off my way, no you can’t move cause I am
Wait, oh, wait, baby

I can do my best if you ask me to
I can do my best for you
So look at me made of it
It’s just the way I am

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

My feet lose the ground look, I run to you
Like the speed of sound you want to hide from me
It’s no way, no you
Can't hide cause it makes us closer

Listen to the beat like a heartbeat
Just Listen to the beat in you
You Begin to move to the groove like it's
Just the way you are

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

You want to hide from me
Just a part of me

Listen to the beat

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

Music is in my soul
No one can't change it all
Can't deny it's my life
Just a part of me

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