Dark Fortress - Despise The Living" lyrics

[Dark Fortress - Despise The Living" lyrics]

Nightmare, oh precious nightmare
Be my guest, my only friend
In times of despair

Whilst "life" passes by life that never were

Time heals wounds but, I cannot forget
Time heals wounds but, I cannot forgive
The gallows call for you
The gallows call for me
Can't you see the end is near?

Nightmare, oh glorious nightmare
Tell me within my dreams undreamt
If this is the life they all speak of?

"Unicus impulsus animi mei est
Mortem obire mihi mortem conscisco
At tamen tum demum vivetum"

Infamous hope monolith of a dying race

I caluminate humanity with delight

Pestilence, come forth to judge
Come forth and erase this final remembrance

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