Dark Fortress - In Deepest Time lyrics

[Dark Fortress - In Deepest Time lyrics]

From the first procaryote that strains
Towards it's young star's
Distant lucent beams
To the last black hole's Matrioshka branes
All genesis churns
In primeval dreams of splendor
Chimeras of grandeur
Even here, in deepest time
Creation will remember

An endless effort, doomed to forever
Fall apart at the seams
The hunt for permanence
Reduced to grazing swamps
Of vapid dreams and splendor
Chimeras of grandeur
Even here, in deepest time
Creation will remember
Through veils of death, and death again
The antiversum shattered
The world crushed to a singularity

And hurled back to noxious light
Now damned to be the vessel
The very fabric of spacetime reborn

Outside time outside life
Outside any single thing that ever
Was or ever will be

Dreams of splendor chimeras of grandeur
Even here, in deepest time
Creation will remember

In deepest time creation will remember

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