Davy Jones - On the Road with Archie and Edith lyrics

[Davy Jones - On the Road with Archie and Edith lyrics]

Hey, what about this band then
Are they alright? Are
They good or what? Come on, folks so listen
The deal we, we have this tour bus that we
Occasionally go on, it’s right
Now being, it’s being, it’s being
Repossessed, but we-we-we’re working on
It we have this tour bus, right, and so
It’s unbelievable it’s got like twelve bunks
In it, and we, you know, we all choose the
Bunks, and we each, and we, off we go
Wе come back about six
Months later but, you know
On-on-on the bunk wе all sort of got these
Rooms the back with like sorta video
Games he’s always playing the bloody games
So you can’t play nothing in the back
There but, it’s like, you can’t watch
Movies, but sometimes when we
All get together, um, we-we

Sort of like mess about and do, do bit's
And pieces and we show off with each other
And the other night, they
Were doing this thing from All in the Family
Right? - Mm hmm
Okay? - yeah
You gonna do it? - yeah

Okay, here’s the deal g he’s gonna
He’s gonna play Edith, of course
Do the Edith
Thing right and he’s playing Archie, Archie
You know, talks like this, you know
Hey what’s you’se
Doing, you know i’ve only been
In the country two days
I’m speakin’ the language it’s unbelievable
So anyway, what happens is
Gloria, the daughter
Is gonna have a baby, okay so
Edith has gotta go up into the
Attic to get some supplies
She’s gotta go way up into
The attic to get supplies
- Way up in the attic

Way up in the attic to
Get supplies there she goes
Up into the attic
There’s plaster falling off the
Ceiling she’s far too high in the attic oh
There comes a foot through
The ceiling anyway
So he’s waiting for his beer, she’s
Gone up to get supplies ’cause Gloria’s
Going to have a baby okay
Take it from there the same as
You did the other night - Okay

Mind you, I had seventeen lemonades
And it was funny then
- Are you going to laugh the same
Way that you did the other day?

No, uh, no, I can’t wet myself on stage
- Oh, okay
- Edith! Edith Bunker, where are you
Edith Bunker? I been lookin’ for
You all day! You know, if they
Invented a pill for dingbats, she’d have
A lifetime subscription over these, you know
What I mean? Oh, Edith, oh
Please, Edith, my eyes, Edith, please, don’t
Please, don’t shake like that
You kinda resemble a
Sack full of ferrets havin’
A fight now Edith
I see a beautifully set dinner
Table with the flowers and the napkins
And the placemats and the beer
Everything, there’s no dinner on it
Edith! And there’s no beer in the beer
Glass, the most important thing But where
Have you been all day, that’s the question
- Well, Archie
You know Gloria just had the baby yeah
Yeah ohhh ohhh so I was upstairs with
Sybil Gooley looking for the bassinet yeah
- I got your Sybil Gooley
Right here, Edith now, Edith, bassinet?
- Yes yes - Edith
You know he ain’t old enough to play
One of those yet now would
You kindly stifle your big bad self and
Get the dinner on the table there, huh?

Ha ha oh ha ha oh man ha ha
I can’t wait ’til we get to ER
Whatever that was we do
Operations and everything
On the stage it’ll be wonderful

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