Dexter - No Sleep Til Brooklyn songtext (lyrics)

[Dexter - No Sleep Til Brooklyn songtext lyrics]

No sleep til! Brooklyn!

No (No) sleep (Sleep) til Brooklyn (Brooklyn)!
No (No) sleep (Sleep) til Brooklyn (yeah)!

Two different synths are rocking to the beat
The one you can't stop
The one that's next to me
Hold up I'm all alone?
This girl I won't bone?
That's a pile of balloons wait, what?
I am beginning to hallucinate because
Of lack of sleep
I'm failing Math, almost English
Not another peep out of you, you too
You are drinking all them booze
While I'm drinking my fifth Monster
So I'm seeing different lobsters
Uh, I ain't tripping drugs
Straight edge, great body
But my home life still sucks
But home is never perfect
Unlike this girl who twerks it
If perfect existed
Then we would live here forever
Undercover Dexter Swagger
Got them dance moves like McJagger
I show them off in my shows
So far I'm hitting undertows
By time you figure that one out I will be in

Ya, oh my God I am seeing a mirage
And I bet this Math class was a sabotage
Gonna be a super senior if
I keep this crap up
Unless I make it big then I'm turning legs up
Class of 2014 yo put your kegs up
See me before I spit it
So I say let's dab it up
Yo, Debut was a nuclear experiment gone wrong
So my friends are ditching me
With a little ding dong
That's in their pants
Yo ladies raise your hands
For that beast punch line
A Chris Brown dance line
Ya, I had to be the best at something
It's calling rappers out the ones
Who are really nothing
Ya, so whatchya mom got cooking
Just kidding, perfect girl I am still looking
But, I have to remember that
There's no time till you guessed it

No sleep til! Dexter

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