Die Toten Hosen - Disneyland (Stays the Same) songtext (lyrics)

[Die Toten Hosen - Disneyland Stays the Same songtext lyrics]

No more Cigars from Cuba
Oppression in East Timor
Sedition in Zimbabwe
Dollar crisis in New York
Skinhead thugs out on the streets
In London and Berlin
Gm foods grown in the West, in Thailand
Burger King

Trees fall in the rainforest
The Yen falls in Japan
Killer virus in the Congo, HIV in the Vatican
Silicon deaths in Hollywood, famine in Sudan
Atomic tests by India, France and Pakistan

It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor
If the bombs are dropping and
The world's at war one place stays secure:
Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same

Massacres in Mexico, in Moscow, the Mafia
Weapons inspectors leave Iraq
Terror in Bogota
Water shortage in the West Bank
New Guinea tsunami
Ethnic cleansing by the Serbs
The Turks and the Chinese

It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor
If the bombs are dropping and
The world's at war one place stays secure:

Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same

Northern Ireland talks break down
Basque attacks in Spain
Fascists and fundamentalists on
The rise again
Clampdown in Vietnam, Aborigine rights denied
Tourist murders in Uganda
The entire EU resigns

It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor
If the bombs are dropping and
The world's at war
Disneyland will stay secure
When your life's fucked up and down the drain
And you haven't got the energy to start again
Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same
Disneyland will stay the same

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