Die Toten Hosen - Fight To Be Yourself songtext (lyrics)

[Die Toten Hosen - Fight To Be Yourself songtext lyrics]

There's seven billion people
How can you be yourself?
Seems all they are screaming at you
But none of them can help
Guns are soon in media
Governments and guards

Forcing their opinions on you
Is that really what you want?

You better look in the mirror
You better watch your step
You know they always get you
And they’ll give you no respect
They're forcing their opinions on you
Is that really what you want?

You've got to fight to be yourself
And don’t let anyone else
Tell you how to live

You want to be a believer
But don't know what to believe
How about if what they say is fiction
Not reality

You've got to fight to be yourself
And don't let anyone else
Tell you how to live
You've got to fight to be yourself
And don't let anyone else
Tell you how to live

It's easy, it's easy, easy to be yourself
It’s easy, it’s easy, easy to be yourself
You've got it, you’ve got it
You've got it anyway
You've got it, you've got it
You’ve got it anyway

You've got to fight to be yourself
And don't let anyone else
Tell you how to live
You've got to fight to be yourself
And don't let anyone else
Tell you how to live
You've got to fight to be yourself
And don't let anyone else
Tell you how to live

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