Die Toten Hosen - Long Way from Liverpool songtext (lyrics)

[Die Toten Hosen - Long Way from Liverpool songtext lyrics]

My heart it gets so heavy by the end of May
But when it gets to August
You know I'll feel okay
I didn't choose to be born here
It's just a freak of birth
But before I die here i wanna kiss that turf
Cause it's a long, long way from Liverpool
Where the boys go crazy and
The girls are cool
And no one sings like the Kop can do
We love you the bread's on the table
The car's in the drive
But I don't wanna stay here
I just wanna survive
I know I'll never walk alone
And my favourite colour's red
As long as I'm so far away
I may as well be dead
Cause it's a long, long way from Liverpool
Where the boys go crazy and
The girls are cool
And no one sings like the Kop can do
Yes it's a long, long way from Liverpool
Where the girls say no, but they always do
And no one sings like the Kop can do
We love you

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