Fyahbwoy - Rags And Soap /Ball Greezy Beat letra de (lyrics)

Elan Swan Fernandez Hernando

[Fyahbwoy - Rags And Soap /Ball Greezy Beat letra de lyrics]

Rags And Soap

How ya make it to Kissimmee
And ask about them stank shorts
Ya coochie on blast black rings in ya water
Smellin just like pee boo boo and throw up
On the way to Miami
You had the nerve to get up
Here let me mix a lil potion
Fabuloso and awesome
Please gather all ya panties
Throw em straight in the garage
It’s only right that you get new ones
Just keep them clean and you’ll be good
Shot after shot infection overload
Last I remember she forgot to use the soap
Telling me she too tired to
Sit down and soak it grindin in the kitchen
Like it didn’t hit her nose

Rags And Soap out of all of these women
You’re the only one stank
Here’s some soap and a rag
Jump in the tub not the sink
Have to really dig in
Make sure you flush everything
Don’t forget bout the back
You’re underarms and yo face
Now here’s some vinegar
A douche bag to put it in
Cause the way that you smellin
You know it should be a sin
Hold on I think I hear yo pussy
Yeah she saying thank you friend
Now let me see ya rinse it off
Then repeat the steps again

Rags And Soap

Bathe girl

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