Georg Kreisler - Frikashtasni songtext (lyrics)

[Georg Kreisler - Frikashtasni songtext lyrics]

This is an old folk song, a product
Of the ancient civilization of Brooklyn
It is still quite popular among the
Natives it is called
Frikashtasni frikashtasni
Tells the story of the fight between
The old warrior "Frikastha" and his
Son-in law "Sni" as they fight they
Do not recognize each other
Because they've both been away for the summer

Frikashtasni föllapatni krepitz
Shtollabarding nebbi majn kallot
Shrtrammbi killaborsch shtokish billaborsch
Shtakalot fe what you've got, hey
Frikashtasni föllapatni predik
Uni kashty nebbi majn kadith
Hotsch bi liminu grotsch bi wiminu
A kaiser frazer safety razor beat – read

Vigilanti sorios dolba kedd
Dumbasso notorious and so to bed
A grish ban dish ban pitto pratto vodka
A rungaleiter gruppenweiter shut – up

Frikashtasni föllapatni krilitz
Uni kashti nebbi majn carrot crux be liminu
Stux be shiminu ahrr – I can't give you
Anything but love – tough

The second stanza tells of the
Reconciliation between father and son-in
Law now of course the old man got wounded
He had to apply peniciline to his wound
Whereupon the young man very nicely gave
Him a fountain pen
Making a charming pen and peniciline set

Frikashtasni föllapatni krilitz
Uni kashty nebbi sho carot shtanislavico
Brec a clavico
A technicolor dream being cream – puff
A dittle log a little dog ishtavari pokker
A Stradivari hari kari bunk – stunk
Wendy blue a reina shore
To meet for you for evermore
A hakti lever loved I never
Sing a little louder

Heyalolla Pepshicolla
Ushten wushten hammalee
Organashti shkerta pashti
Only God can make a tree

Shtrambaly baby shouldn't biddy have it
Done be avarny shninkom poop
Hosnari bendit'sch bidilli bomm bomm
Kashtalli tom tom trudi shoop

Toydi wisoyti pla pla pla
Heydi diddeldi ha ha ha
Hornamati ksetschta mal
Tschatalartik one mi bal

Una – elasticum abelini – elasticum
Una – television simplicism it's possible

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